Winter-Vocab - Chandra's Concept

Hello, guys...Welcome to Chandra's Concept. Vocabulary plays an important role in English learning. You can't speak any language perfectly and effectively if you don't have proper knowledge of English Vocabulary. Here are some words that are related to Winter. If you have any questions or replies, please write in the Comment Box. Let's Jump...

So, Without wasting time, let's begin with the first one:- 

1) Shiver/Tremble- थरथराना 


i). मैं थरथरा रहा हूँ | >>> I am shivering/trembling.

ii). बुजुर्ग एक नौजवान से अधिक थरथराता है | >>>Old persons tremble/shiver more than a young person.


2) Snow- बर्फ 


i). बर्फ ठंडी है | >>> The snow is cold.

ii). बर्फ पिघल रही है | >>> The snow is thawing.


3) Quilt/Comforter- रजाई 


i). यह एक गर्म रजाई है | >>> This is a hot quilt/comforter.

ii). रजाई अच्छी गर्म है | >>> The quilt/comforter is well worn.


4) Fog- धुंध / कोहरा 


i). कोहरे में बाइक चलाना मुश्किल होता है | >>> It is tough to ride a bike in the fog.

ii). बहुत कोहरा है | >>> It is too much fog.


5) Fleece/Wool- ऊनी कपडा / ऊन


i). सर्दी में ऊनी कपडे पहने जाते है | >>> Fleeces/wools are worn in the winter.

ii). ऊन गर्म है | >>> Fleece/wool is hot.

So hey guys... let me know how much did you like this post and tell me your experience in the comment box. That's it for today...We will come back soon with a new and informative post. 

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