HOUSE Vocab - Chandra's Concept

Hello, guys...Welcome to Chandra's ConceptVocabulary plays an important role in English learning. You can't speak any language perfectly and effectively if you don't have proper knowledge of English Vocabulary. Here are some words that are related to the House. If you have any questions or replies, please write in the Comment Box. Let's Jump...

So, Without wasting time, let's begin with the first one:-

1)Ceiling/Inside of roof - भीतरी छत (bheetari chhat)


i). इस घर की छत टूट गई है। >>> The ceiling of this house is broken down.

ii). छत को रंगा गया है। >>>The ceiling has been painted.


2)Timber/Rafter बल्ला ( Jis Par Chhat tiki hui ho)


i). यह बल्ला (छत का) मजबूत है । >>> This rafter/timber is strong.

ii). बल्ला (छत का) टुटा हुआ है । >>>The rafter is broken.


3)Pavement/Balcony - छज्जा / छज्जी (Chhajja / Chhajji)


i). मै छाज्जी पर खड़ा रहूँगा । >>> I shall be standing on the balcony.

ii). वह छाज्जी पर टहल रहा है । >>>He is walking on the balcony/pavement.


4)Porch/Veranda बरामदा (baramdah)


i). मै बरामदे में सो जाऊंगा । >>> I shall sleep on veranda.

ii). मैंने उसे बरामदे में देखा था । >>> I had seen her on the porch.


5)Courtyard/Compound आँगन (Angan)


i). मेरे पास एक बड़ा आँगन है । >>> I have a big courtyard/compound.

ii). बच्चे आँगन में खेल रहे है । >>> Children are playing in courtyard/compound.


So hey guys... let me know how much did you like this post and tell me your experience in the comment box. That's it for today...We will come back soon with a new and informative post. 
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